Search for tag: "carry"

Noa Argamani has been in captivity in Gaza for more than 100 days, and there is still no indication that the captors have agreed to her release

+242 More
From  Galit Segen 203 plays


By Sergey Pashkevich in Root.

+260 More
From  Admins 9 plays

"That was like being punched in the stomach by a professional boxer."

Nine-year-old Hamas hostage, Emily, comforts her father during Piers Morgan interview.

+114 More
From  Louise Szmoisz 5 plays

Channel 12 news documentation of the October 7th massacre

Channel 12 news providing real-time coverage of the events on October 7th, highlighting the perspectives and actions of individuals associated with Hamas.

+684 More
From  Israeli Advocacy Network Admins 106 plays

An IDF commander was being interviewed by Kan 11 news in Gaza when suddenly firing started from the enemy

+115 More
From  Louise Szmoisz 171 plays

Is a ceasefire the solution?

+264 More
From  Louise Szmoisz 39 plays

daycare center boobytrapped

+318 More
From  Louise Szmoisz 2 plays

Abdallah, an autopsy technician, explains the horrors of October 7th

Abdallah, an Israeli Arab, is an autopsy technician, and he explains in Arabic the horrors he was exposed to through the bodies of the October 7th massacre victims.

+299 More
From  Louise Szmoisz 87 plays

No anger, just a call for unity

The family of the late Major Shai Termin was informed that he was hit by a friendly fire. His father, Avi Termin, conveyed a message to the soldiers: "I have no anger towards you. I want and…

+12 More
From  Louise Szmoisz 106 plays

Hersh - 80 days.mp4

By Adam Ben Cohen in Root.

+67 More
From  Admins 1 plays

Onn recalls his survival on October 7th at the Nova festival

+241 More
From  Louise Szmoisz 46 plays

Hamas Militants_ Attack on Kibbutz Be_eri.mp4

By in Root.

+86 More
From  Admins 11 plays


By in Root.

+160 More
From  Admins 4 plays

Graphic videos from nova festival 

By in Root.

+169 More
From  Admins 748 plays

Questions for Palestinians

By in Root.

+137 More
From  Admins 3 plays

Tunnel construction workshop in civilian area

An IDF officer exposes a dedicated construction workshop designed for crafting a tunnel, complete with a logistical tunnel shaft.

+275 More
From  Louise Szmoisz 240 plays